Friday, May 18, 2012

Venice Beach

Mariah Fonseca
Skate Park Separation (Venice Beach)
Venice Beach is a very beautiful place to visit on a hot sunny day. Gathering with people and heading out to the city of Venice. It is a place where you can see a diverse of people. To many people around other cities it’s known as a popular tourist attraction when you visit California. But yet it is a home to the locals who have been living there all their life; so for them it is a different story I think. Venice is known to having much different type of activities and interactions going around the whole beach area to the board walk when you first step in. For instance: on the board walk you see all the creative people who are selling their art, to the hippies singing and selling the bracelets and charms, the henna tattoo shops, for the smokers wanting to look for medical cards, people giving out demos of their music to get a shot of fame, heading out to the water, and the skate park where my research begins.
    For my research question I want to get more in depth with the observations and understand meant of is there a separation between the locals and the tourist. Mainly around the perimeter of the skate park; from the people who skate, lean against the rail, and in the sitting area of the skate rink. I been to Venice for the twenty years of my life and never did I realize that my research question topic was something important. Even if it is not to other people or even to the ones who care. Christina and I first started out with this observation; but as we got in further with this project she seem to found a different concept. But yet still both stood under the whole Venice Skate Park area. We made a first visit together and the last two we did our own thing. I personally can not specify who and who is a local from a tourist. Just because somebody is taking pictures or standing looking at the skaters does not mean they are tourist from out of town. You can not automatically judge people by the movement they show in public. During my three visits to skate rink; I would sit in the area where all the skater kids hung out plus by the rail where people watch. Around the perimeter it is a circle area and in the middle you have plants right in the middle, next to it was another place sit and by that is the rink where everyone skates that looks like an empty pool. As I sat down, I try to make sure people could not notice I was looking at them. I did not want people to think me as a creepy person; but as I sat I got the stares that made me feel like, “Who Are You!!”  Then it became relevant to ask myself again is there a disconnection from locals and the tourist.
      Since Venice is not field where we can discover on race; you see multiple races including all different type of rages. This may or not be a topic society my take consideration how urban culture takes part towards the skate park. Figuring out this research project was not the simplest task.  I had my doubts in the beginning but as soon as I made my first visit. I knew that I would enjoy this topic.
     My main focus of collecting the data I got from all three of visits was basically; keeping time movements and observing the different behaviors. Reflecting back to the exercise we did on campus looking around and keeping a time frame of all the interactions happening on campus. My first visit with Christina we had been there for at least an hour and a half at the skate park. As she wrote down all the interactions she was observing jotting notes down. I was in charge of taking down the map design. I color coordinate with different colors; for which people are skating, hanging around the rail, and people sitting down. How many were in big groups if some by themselves, even the different paths people who take I map down with colors. The first visit we took to Venice was a little on the rough side. Not because we did not do any work; mainly because we were still unsure about exactly what you expecting for. The last two visits to Venice I would spend about two to three hours sitting down taking notes trying I ask myself questions about my topic. For instance, do people make you feel like your outsider? Do the locals have their own way of talking compare to tourist?  Have their ever been any dilemmas between tourist and locals? All my notes that I took are mostly all over the place in my notebook. I wrote key words to help me remind myself about things I observed. Knowing that people always have one image of skaters: long hair, skinny pants, tight shirts, and ugly shoes. In my notes you see hippies, cholo’s, hipsters, old school, girls, it’s just a variety.  
          For all my interviews the total was five; I had ask about ten but five people had said no thank you which was fine. So with my five interviews I had talk to three girls and two guys. The age range is from seventeen to twenty-five. My second trip to Venice I had three interviews, two of them were short only last fifteen to twenty minutes since they had  other stuff planed. With the other three interviews they last about thirty to thirty-five minutes. Sad but surely my people who I interview did not feel comfortable of me taking pictures of them. They did not think it was necessary to do so; which I respect their choice. But I can describe how their tone of voice, how they dress, and what they look like. So I think you are going to be able to imagine the people I interview. 
    For my last trip to Venice I wanted to do something a little different; finally to make myself part of my field work. So what I did as an experiment I actually try to learn how to skate. I took one of my friends to teach me how to skate. I did not want to be alone trying to teach myself I probably would of fell on the floor. I wanted to see if people would look and stare even if some of the skating people would tell me something. The way I dress was somewhat how I just to dress in high school the tomboyish look. I wore tights a hoodie and some Jordan’s. So ten minutes into my lesson I had couple skater people give some advice. They would tell to put my balance a certain way and not to be scared to go with the flow. I started to move more towards the rails were some people were leaning just looking out. I wanted to see the reactions of the people if I would causes some attention; fortune I did because I fell straight on my butt and the skate board flew in the air. Surprising I heard this man shout to me “it’s ok just get back up” very thought full to do. After that incident it made me realize about my question; is there a separation between these locals and tourist. I did not think I was going to cross that interaction during my field work. For the fact I came in thinking people would be scared to speak for the rail area. They would have not known if someone could come up to them or give a dirty look.
     The skate is build like a big empty pool just with no water. As you can see at the bottom in the picture (figure #1) towards left side you have the skating part were the big empty pools are. Than on your right hand side you have these tall palm trees with a sitting area. One of my interviews was in this area; I spoke to this girl name Nicki. She consider the skate park to be her home somewhere she and her friends can get away from the world and do their thing and skate.  She mentions the environment is pretty pack at certain hours like when we get out of school. Around 3pm is when I and my friends hit the park straight from school. The way she spoke was such and La tone. The ways to explain it is by in such relax chill tone.  All around mid-way you have the rail were all the people watching can bet at.
(Figure #1)
Map of Skate Park

It is just a humongous space of concrete with flat areas and with dips that you can imagine it as a pool.
On my second trip to Venice I paid more attention to movement of people and the different groups in certain sections of the park. This brought me back to reading Setha Low, On the Plaza: The Politics of Public Space and Culture.  Low describes in her book, “Each plaza was observed by sector, and everything that occurred in that sector was recorded for a designated period time” (Low pg. 49). To help me with my observation and looking what interaction groups I can see. By the palm tree sitting area you can see in Figure #1. There was a group of boys and one girl sitting and standing. I can see these people would joke around amongst one another; taking off at times to skate and come back to take breaks. Off in the middle you see the sea of skaters going around in circles passing through ramps. Not only seeing skaters in the middle; you have people actually walking on the area where it’s flat; some tiring to avoid a collision.  The movement of their bodies swirling like snakes in a pace so quick. Now, I’m coming towards leaving the areas of the skate park my rail people who come and go just look. Being able to explain this group I think of it as circus. Odd for me to think of it such a sort of way; for the fact I picture it a show. All around you capture the people standing looking and not only is it the select few that do not skate; you see actually skaters themselves on the out boarder of the pits. Then we have the photographers who come and see what images they can take. Even people who may or not be locals or tourist at times with family.
     Final visit to Venice the day was nice not to hot or cold just the perfect temperature you need for the beach and not dying from the heat. I had been there no longer than two hours, so right before I was to get from my seat. I see more people walking towards the skate rink wondering what causes this interaction. There had been couple of little youngsters skating; aging from 6 to 8. Starting off young these little ones had the dedication to this sport just by watching them skate I felt like they were mini pros at heart. The skill level they had was probably up where the older skaters were; but not quiet there. So you see within the pit and rail people watching these kids’ skate cheering them one for a trick they did. For about good ten minutes the crowd was huge looking at them skate. So as I see this group from my seat I notice their being entertain by the skills. There are just so many interactions going on at this time; it was a diverse crowd. By this I was able see this can be a way locals and tourist connect with one another. You do not see a barrier between anyone all you see is happiness I guess. My other two trips this was the first time I got this attraction and was glad I did not leave. Not only events like this but there been major events at the skate park.
    Interviewing time 1:35 pm (girl skater)
   First trip I made to Venice I met a girl named Mia she was a pretty tomboyish girl. She was about 5’7, light skin, clear blue eyes and her hair was dark brown and slowly at the bottom it was fading into blonde. Apparently now that hair color has been because many of my friends have the exact style. I think it makes them look like hippies no clue why. I confronted her and mention about the project was assign to do for class. Mia mentioned that she was born in Venice, California but at the age of three her parents decided to move. But by the time she was nine her parents moved back since they themselves miss the beach. Her mom and dad both go surfing and her brother a skater so that is how she became a skater. Question: How do you feel about people coming to skate here that are not locals? Her response, “I think it’s cool I personally don’t have a problem. I met some people who happen to be close friends on mine; they buses it or skate all the way over here every single day. Just so we can all skate and hangout. Question: Do you see a border line were locals can be at and the tourist stay off in a certain section; is their certain groups spread around the skate park? Venice is known for being a tourism attraction. Ahhh, it depends yo only cause we got people that who are out of the ordinary like to watch and they come into the rink and sit. So it makes it feel weird since everyone notices them and you try to avoid them. In my head doesn’t occur if you’re a local or tourist; more like you creep me out keep my distance. Groups, sort of depending on the friends you come with. Like everyday my friends and I come near the palm tree around 4pm talk and skate. So we made that our section. In the morning on weekdays I’m in school not sure what people are here.
Interviewing time 11:50am-12:25pm
       Second trip I met Alex and Devon; only two guys out of my five interviews. Devon is 22 African-American but a caramel color, short faded hair cut, hazel eyes and 6’2. Alex is 22 Mexican-American, 5’11, short faded hair cut too, brown eyes and a little darker than Devon. Hanging out by the rails Devon had happen to pull up next to me taking pictures and his board on the ground. Question: Are you from the area? What do you make of this skate park? What is your opinion on tourism? I’m from playa vista area, but I come at least 3 times a week to skate and take pictures. He is photography major at long beach; so taking pictures whether it’s on the beach, board walk or skate park he snaps it. Skating/ pictures is what I live for so coming 3 times a week I’m at my 2nd home. I been coming since I was 16 years old with my best bud Alex. Now with school as a 5th year, I skate and help other skaters meet new people just trying to use networking skills. Tourism is great way of networking you got many people from different places, careers, and cultures mos def it’s great we have places like this. He went on how he met a guy visiting from New York who has connections with certain professional photographers. His job is to go look for students and talk about internships they can do for the company he works. Devon got the chance to go to New York this summer for the internship. 20 minutes pass his friend Alex comes by us all sweating for skating, wiping his sweat on his shirt to cool off. Question for him: What are some experiences have you had? Seeing a younger generation, do you contribute your knowledge? Is there a connection with tourist and locals?   Coming with my boy Devon one year they had a skating event for all ages a tournament. I enter it for fun plus you got a free shirt and bag, so why not. Devon just took photos that day. Legit thing was you had all peeps from different cities plus styles that represent their personality by looking. That brought out the skating community together. Didn’t matter what you were; if you had the passion to skate then you had a family event. To answer your question, this event had brought locals and tourist together.  You won’t see skaters look at one another like who are you, you don’t belong, all you saw was people giving each other props. (Props-you did something cool and interesting) I’m a psych major and I want to do counseling. So directing these kids of my experience is a great way for me to get practice. I come with an open mind many need more helps than others.
    After talking with these people noticing the behaviors, words, phrase and diversity gets me closer to answering my research question? Key words people use depended on the area you come from. For instance, “yo, trap, legit, sick, tight, dank, ratchet, and including vulgar language”. Seventeen to twenty-one are mainly the people who use this slang. Playa Vista, Venice, Pasadena and Torrance are where my five interview people come from.  The two 22 year old boys and one of the girls I did not mention who is 25 don’t really use those phrases much. The older they got their vocabulary change and more proper for people understand instead of slang. Couple of times slang word would spill. But some were tourist and locals I profiled it as a connection they have. All diversity has their own lingo as well since cities all around California have a diverse of people. Some people were friendly and others I notice had look on people they found strange perhaps. Looking back to question, and visiting the skate park after three trips; I feel I came to an end.
    Referring back some material in class we had been assigning to read. Mentioning before reading Setha Low, On the Plaza: The Politics of Public Space and Culture a section of her book she puts herself into the everyday plaza life. Taking the step of putting yourself in the life style she wanted to be involved with people. See the different point of view to the locals who come to the plaza. Low ended up having friendship and hanging out with occupants from the plaza. This how I found the connection to my project since I made the choice of interacting with my project. Not just by only sitting down, taking pictures, or observing. I wanted to put myself in those shoes; wondering how people would treat me. Since I failed at skating you must have balance and as a dancer I have balance just not for skating. Jane Jacobs’s article I read on, “Sidewalks” In the Death and Life of Great American Cities. Grasping from her article to my research project, I thought of how she mentions cities are meant to have full of strangers comparing to a suburb area or small town. Venice Skate Park is the exact way full of strangers not some you call a friend or an acquaintance since it’s a place a 100% you will can catch tourist coming from miles away. Jacob say’s, “Even residents who live near each other are strangers, and must be…” (pg 30). Coming back to my research question is there a separation between locals and tourist.  If locals member cannot tell distinct who is from Venice, which is impossible because not all people dress and act alike from that city. Maybe there is not separation coming in between to all the people who skate. I would think realistically two out ten people could be the ones who want to put the barrier around locals and tourist.
     Illuminating to the over my entire research project there is no right answer. I enjoy taking my trips down to Venice beach; besides relaxing a little I learn quite of few things. I have been to Venice beach many times over the last twenty years. It never occur for me think of separation amongst people. I knew seeing strangers, performs and vendors as typical Venice. Walking towards the skate park it’s such a different environment. Observing people doing their daily thing me just sitting I notice behaviors and groups. The youth now in L.A is incredible since you have all types in the section; as decades pass so does the youth. I think of them as a rubix cube, at first you the colors mix and match everywhere. Once you solve the puzzle does not matter where you come from because at the end you skate; your doing something to love. Discovering one reason why it could be possible of no separation between strangers. If I had more than three visits I could of answer my question; as now I’m in the middle of yes and no. 

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